January 2018

  • Attachment by Commisimpex of approximately 30 M USD deposited by the SNPC (Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo, a State-owned company of the Republic of Congo) in a bank account opened at EBI SA Bank in France.
  • Attachment by Commisimpex of a condominium at the Trump Tower in New York, the property of which is the Republic of Congo.
  • In July, Commisimpex lodged an application before the European Court of Human Rights against the decision rendered by the Supreme Court of France (Cour de Cassation) on January 10, 2018.
  • Commisimpex sued Total SA, Elf Aquitaine and Total E&P Congo before the Tribunal de Commerce de Nanterre in France for the payment of the pledged amounts according to a pledge granted to Commisimpex.